Paul's paranormal experience!

Great friend and fellow Rendlesham explorer Paul Williams has never personally experienced anything 'paranormal'
(Although he has seen a few UFOs!) Until recently, that is! Just before Christmas, 2024 Paul 'phoned in a somewhat excited state to describe a strange occurrence at a friend's house.

He and a few others were sitting around the table at a house-warming gathering: Paul's friends had recently moved in to their modern new home and had invited a few people round to help celebrate. As the group sat chatting around a coffee table, a glass Christmas candle holder suddenly lifted up and fell sidewise with a thump! Everyone witnessed the event, which, unsurprisingly, left them somewhat stunned! Paul confided in me that, despite the house being comparatively modern, he had felt a strange atmosphere as soon as he entered...

The photo below was taken minutes before the event described...