The following account will
NOT be attributed: the people involved do not wish to be identified for
fear of ridicule. That does not, of course, mean that this tale is untrue!
Many, many years ago, when I was still young and fit, I trained to be
a Naval Pilot. My Officer training took place at the Naval academy at
Dartmouth, in Devon, but every day I was 'bused' down to an airfield near
Plymouth, for basic flight training.
The airfield was a pre-war
grass strip : at the time commercial flights to the Scilly Isles had just
been initiated and a concrete runway added.
After some weeks of instruction, upper airwork and countless 'circuits
and bumps', I finally flew solo: the most nerve-wracking experience of
my life at the time! But worse was to follow!
A little later I carried
out a navigation exercise: this involved flying west along the coast to
Lands End before returning cross country to base. I was flying the training
workhorse of the era: the delightful de Havilland Chipmunk.
Everything went well until
I began the return leg over Bodmin Moor: scanning ahead, I was dismayed
to see a grey mass of cloud covering the general region of the airfield.
Trying to keep calm, I contacted the control tower, who confirmed the
unexpected situation and suggested an alternate: the prospect of trying
to land on an unfamiliar runway was not an attractive one to a
tyro pilot such as I then was.....
By now I was flying above the cloud which stretched in three directions
as far as I could see. I was about to begin the turn towards my new landing
site when, about two hundred metres ahead, a yellow-painted Tiger Moth
emerged from the enveloping cloud-base. I could plainly see the leather
helmeted and goggled pilot as he turned in his open cockpit, first giving
me a 'thumbs up' then an unmistakable downward jab that indicated I should
follow him......
Greatly relieved, I did
as I was bidden, and, despite the swirling grey mist, managed to keep
the cheery yellow aircraft in view.
Suddenly we broke out of the cloud, and I found myself perfectly positioned
for a straight-in approach to Runway 13 (!) For once, I made a perfect
landing, and taxied over to the line of parked Chipmunks. After completing
post-flight checks and so on, I walked to the crew-room to report.
As soon as I entered, I began to receive a ferocious tongue-lashing for
not taking the alternate and risking a visual landing through low cloud.
When my instructor paused for breath, I told him what had occurred, and
added that I had thought the airfield had sent up a 'shepherd' to guide
me down.
Mr Pugh stared at me thoughtfully before speaking.
Laddy:- we haven't had Tiger Moths
on this field since the War!"