The Priory of Sion
and the New World Order

In the 1970's the controversial book 'The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail' was written and released upon an unsuspecting world by the triumverate of Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln.

The book skilfully brought the reader to its stunning dénouement that Jesus Christ had been married to Mary Magdelene and had sired heirs who would become the progenitors of the Merovingean Kings of France. The secret of the destiny of these 'vessels of the Holy Blood' (the 'sang real') was guarded by a mysterious cabal: The Priory of Sion

To many, the central thesis of the book was as novel as it was shocking: it seemed to suggest that the entire sweep of European history had, since the first century, been manipulated so as to lead ultimately to a Merovingean ruler of the entire continent!

The Priory of Sion

During the intervening thirty or so years, the theme of the original work, and the research of other authors, like my old colleague Lionel Fanthorpe,
has been hijacked by a great number of popularist books, most recently by the best-seller 'The Da Vinci Code'

Most of these later works have been so poorly researched or are so lacking in rigour that many new readers have dismissed the existence of the Priory of Sion out of hand. A recent TV documentary (completed, according to the producer in under six weeks: so much for rigour!) saw Tony 'Baldric' Robinson travelling thousands of kilometres to investigate the Grail legend, the Knights Templar and the mystery of Renne le Chateau. His approach, needless to say, was hardly open-minded: he accepted the word of a couple of journalists that the whole Priory story was the modern fabrication of a fraudulent Frenchman, Pierre Plantard. That this inveterate hoaxer and convicted fraudster had adopted the Priory for his own ends is hardly news! Most researchers were aware of this twenty years ago!

Pierre Plantard

But does the Priory of Sion exist now, did it exist in the past and is one of its aims to secure French control of Europe, and ultimately the World?

The origins of the Prieure de Sion are in a Gnostic society led by a legendary individual named Ormus. However, the emergence of the Priory as a force in political as well as occult power begins in the Middle Ages.

In 1070, the Abbey of Orval was founded at Stenay, in the French Ardennes. Its monks, led by one 'Prince Ursus' (Arthur) are believed to constitute the basis for the Ordre de Sion.

In 1099, Godefroi de Bouillion (who had enchaptered the Stenay monks) was one of the leaders of the First Crusade that recaptured Jerusalem. He is known to have been a close associate of the French nobleman, Hugues de Troyes. In 1114, de Troyes made a second trip to the Holy Land.He was accompanied by a Knight of Champagne, Hugues de Payens.

Godefroi de Bouillion

de Payens settled in Jerusalem and, in 1118, founded the Order of the Knights Templar. Thus, through Godefroi de Bouillion, the Templars and Sion were linked as the true power behind the Throne of Jerusalem. Godefroi was, by direct descent, a Merovingian and (given that he believed in 'le Sang Real' and its origins with King David), therefore rightful King of Jerusalem.Whether this belief was valid or not, it seems Godfroi was aware of it, since he sold all of his property before leaving France. Apparently he had every intention of remaining in Jerusalem! And indeed, he accepted the Crown of Jerusalem, passing the title on to his brother, Baldwin (Baudouin), significantly a regnal name used by a recent Belgian King!

Here, then, we see as early as the 12th Century that Sion (named for a hill to the South of Jerusalem) was intent on preserving and fostering the Merovingean Dynasty. Despite the loss of the Holy Lands to the Saracens and the persecution and destruction of the Templars, there is plenty of evidence that the Priory continues as a force in hermetic thought and political power.

But is the Priory still working to restore the 'temporal and spiritual rule of the Sang Real'? The evidence from modern history is that it is!

Despite the fact that Franco-Belgium has had a lamentable record in recent European conflicts (the Franco Prussian War and the 1st and 2nd World Wars) and has had little success in maintaining an Empire (French Indo-China, Algeria, the Congo etc) it has emerged as the undoubted leader of the European Union.

In 1950, following France's third defeat by Germany in 80 years, the French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman proposed integrating the coal and steel industries of Western Europe. A a result, in 1951, the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was set up, with six members: Belgium, West Germany, Luxembourg, France, Italy and the Netherlands. This was such a success that these six countries decided to integrate their economies to an even greater extent. In 1957 they signed the Treaties of Rome, creating the European Economic Community (EEC). In 1967 the EEC and ECSC (as well as the European Atomic Commission) merged, creating a single Commission, a single Council of Ministers and the European Parliament. Finally, in 1992, the Treaty of Maastricht created the European Union.

Forty years after its total humiliation by Germany, Franco-Belgium has become one of the most rich and powerful nations on Earth! Every year ever more sovereign states (including those from the old 'Eastern Bloc') clamour to give up their independence and become part of this new 'French Empire'. Even Israel could conceivably apply for membership! Not so outrageous: Turkey will soon become the first Muslim member state!

So what would it take for the Priory of Sion to achieve its ancient goals? Not a great deal! If (when?!) a descendent of the Merovingean line becomes President of the European Union or Emperor of Franco-Belgium, destiny will have been fulfilled!

And who is this, trimphantly riding away from the Palais Royale in Brussels? None other than Godefroi de Bouillion! And Brussels, is of course, the Headquarters of the European Union!

Perhaps the hostility and foot-dragging displayed by the EU (and other parties within the UK) before, during and after 'Brexit' can be perceived as attempts to thwart the UK people's desire to reverse the ambitions of the Priory!