A while ago my old friend
Jason suggested attending a conference in Woodbridge at which 'new evidence'
about the 1980 Rendlesham Forest Incident would be presented: this we
did on the night of May 20th, 2018.
Following a short walk around the forest, a chat with organiser Gordie
and an excellent supper in town, we joined around 200 other attendees
in the traditional venue of the Woodbridge Community Centre. The first
two speakers, Brenda Butler and Chris Pennington, did, indeed, present
new opinions about the nature of the RFI, but, I'm afraid,
neither stood up to even the most cursory consideration. (If anyone is
interested in a fuller description of their theories, do e-mail me: suffice
it to say that Chris - a pleasant, affable gentleman - displayed a painful
lack of knowledge of the principles of orbital flight, the history of
astronautics and the role of the The 67th Air Rescue and Recovery Squadron
(ARRS) Why Chris placed a fir tree on the table was never explained!)
Ronnie Dugdale and John Burroughs then took the stage and, to my pleasant
surprise, were superb! Ronnie has constructed what seems to me an impeccable
timeline of events over the four days of December 1980 which he presented
with input from John whenever appropriate. Everything they said had the
ring of truth and authority about it and made it worth not arriving back
home until nearly 2.00am! My only regret was that time considerations
meant that Jason and I were forced to leave at 11.20, before the Q&A session
had even started!
It remains my firm belief that Col. Halt's memories of the incident are
essentially reliable, but I am also still of the opinion that his rank
- and perhaps other factors - have caused him to be somewhat economical
with how much he reveals in public. I can only endorse John Burroughs
expressed hope that the bickering stops and an agreed consensus of this
most-important occurrence is finally published.