Woodbridge Conference, September 2019


The Woodbridge Conference was a fabulous couple of days for Linda and me, spent with dear friends Jane, Jason and Paul. Overall a pleasant experience: Col. Halt was on top form and completed Sacha Christie's (somewhat over-extended) destruction of Larry Warren. Great to meet Ronnie and Philip Kinsella: what charming guys they are. Also suave Scotsman Malcolm Robinson and ex RAF radar operator Gary Barker: terrific, knowledgable and to the point, with no waffle or padding... As expected, John Hanson supplied a wealth of new data to the British UFO files.

Strange thing: despite receiving very warm and prolonged applause at the end of my hour (and being invited to give three more talks next year) you wouldn't even know I'd been at the conference if you looked at most accounts in the social media! I've never sought to be part of the tight little cabal that attempts to 'own' the Rendlesham Forest Incident and generally find the associated infighting and online trolling a little tedious - and counterproductive to 'ufology'.

I had been asked to provide the PA (following last year's debacle!) but was somewhat 'surprised' to find that (having purchased extra / spare cables and having hauled a boot-full of equipment down to Woodbridge) the organiser had asked someone else to do the job! This was a little difficult to understand, since he'd confirmed the arrangements just a few hours earlier! There's always a bright side, however: this meant that we could pack away, leave nice and quickly and be enjoying dinner at our hotel before 8.00pm!