It is widely known that, even having met most of the Apollo Astronauts
on a social level, I remain unconvinced that some - if not all - of the
Moon landings actually took place. I have lectured and written widely
on the subject and made numerous radio and TV broadcasts. At the time
of writing no-one has been able to produce a single piece of convincing
evidence that humans have visited the Moon.
If you have read my book 'Our
Forbidden Moon' you will perhaps recall that during my several
long conversations with Apollo Astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell, he emphatically
stated that not only could stars be seen from the Moon and cislunar space
(between the Earth and the Moon) but that they were ten times brighter
than when seen from even the darkest location on Earth.
I recently found an audio
clip of Dr Mitchell reading an appropriate passage from his autobiography:
click HERE
This account is, of course, entirely different from that of Apollo 11
commander, Neil Armstrong. In numerous public statements he maintained
that stars are not visible in space, either from the Moon's surface nor
from cislunar space. You can hear him repeating this untenable - and frankly
ludicrous - contention in this
interview with Sir Patrick Moore.