My lovely wife
Linda has just bought me a new telescope (a Maksutov 127 relector on a 'go-to'
driven mount) so I'm spending as much time outside as I can, trying to come
to grips with its numerous complicated processes. I've already enjoyed terrific
views of Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon and managed some reasonable images
with a DSLR. Linda also bought me a state-of-the-art CMOS camera: hopefully
I can master that before the amazing once-in-a-lifetime conjunction between
Jupiter and Saturn on December 21st... Twice in the past I've witnessed
large, glowing, smoky rings in the sky: while I was trying out the 'scope
a couple of nights ago (last week in November) I saw a third. I imagine
these might be produced by fighter aircraft, perhaps burning off excess
fuel before a 'pan' landing. I have to say, however, that on none of the
three occasions did I actually hear a jet engine.